Wow I knew that I would soooooo not keep up with this thing and actually keep a blog. I dont have a structured enough mind to do so. Ugh it sucks. Oh well must look on the bright side, at least I remembered today.
It has been a month since i left for the Lakes&Dales trip a whole month, tbh it's a little scary how fast time flies! Well anyway the Lakes&Dales round two was absolutely amazing. I loved it. It was so easily my favourite school trip ever. It was just so full of many memories, photos & LIMESTONE. Is it sad how much I love that stuff? I dont care though 'cos it is awesome, you wont understand unless you do geography higher with Captain Whyte but belive me limestone is undoubtably cool. We ended up in caves. Again. One granny cave and another slightly more dangerous, smaller and wet one. I dont think ive been that cold before i my life (well accept for when I capsised in Loch Tay, but thats a whole other story)
Well if Im being honest the Lakes&Dales were awesome. And thats enough said because there is honestly toooo much to write.
The weekend when I got back from the Lakes&Dales I started work, I have a job! I was like "YASSS!!!!!" It's so good, great people and its not hard. Home bargains, Come visit if you want :L
It's the October week and I'd best get back to doing some homework.
TTFN (ha I love tigger)
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