Sunday, 7 November 2010

Sunday 7th of Noember

Well this is going to be bland.
Today I slept then got up. Ate and went to work. Worked from one and got away early. Came home ate tatties and mince then watched the x-factor and Desperate Housewives while typing up some modern studies stuff. Yeah so that pretty much was the extent of my boring day.

Oh one thing interesting has happened since I last posted a blog. The Arrival of my big cousin Jamie and Donna's baby Charlize. She is the definition of beauty. Just perfect. I cannot wait to meet her.

Well that is about it. Nighty night. I shall hopefully post soon. Might get into the habit of it. I do like a nice wee bit of structure in my life, that is always good. Yup . . . Well bye. xxx

Friday, 5 November 2010

Friday 5th of November.


Yes well as I have stated above I do in fact hate firework night. It is an awful excuse for a party! Its like a bloody war zone outside bombs, noise and flashing lights! It is horrendous. Please someone tell me one good thing about today!? Fireworks, they are pretty much bombs, explosives you can buy over the counter! Why is it allowed, it's gunpowder for fuck sake! (sorree for my swearing it just angers me) It's unbelievable and they should be illegal! It makes me sick actually. They are dangerous and have caused more injury and deaths than what would've occurred if the gunpowder plot had been successful. I can understand organised events with trained and licensed professionals but with anyone else it's ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed.
Well anyway that's just my opinion of course.

Today has actually been one of my more interesting days in life, possibly actually worth writing about.
So today we had the police in the school doing an active workshop thing with us. It was like a mock case all about terrorism which was really very good. I at least enjoyed it. Except for the fact that we kinda failed at gathering enough information on the fictional terrorist group who in turn bombed the fictional shopping centre (which was really the Trafford Centre) leaving three dead and another 200 odd injured. Hmm not the best liokes. Oooops. It okay though cos it wasn't real? Achht we fail but did enjoy the fake news conference. :)
Me and Scott had a good wee rave before hand. I loved it. Oh and the tea was fantastic. Tea in school is goood! :D

Had work which was reasonably uneventful then came home and ate some dinner. I did worry about Tibby for a while as he went missing but he sauntered back in soaked through. He was scared too. I dried him which was good. I love that cat.I'm tired now and I start early tomorrow as per usual.
So nightynight. xxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Thursday the 4th of November 2010

Since I last wrote I haven't seen 1 episode of the x-factor! Instead I've been out each weekend. Now don't get me wrong I really love going out but the x-factor is really good too. lol
I do love a wee bitta Chalmers times though with the girlies. Too amazing likes. Photos, shots, peach schnapps and slightly tipsy dancing to any song that plays be it the YMCA or Kylie. Must say a wee night out is always v.enjoyable.
Didn't get head girl, mucked up my interveiw big time. But tbh even if my interview had went well I still wouldn't have got it. I was up against Katie, Betty and Laura! Three completely amazing girls. :D I'm more than sure that Katie is gonna do an fabulous job as head girl and the same goes to Laura as depute. Soo happy for them. :)

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Well that was ages ago now and even Halloween has passed.
Which by the way was possibly one of thee best weekends of my life, and that is without exaggeration. Well all was good except for the horrendous hangover on Saturday morning. I'm telling yous I was ILL! Not fun, mind you dancing with Amy Kyle dearest and taking the most awesome of photos on the dance floor or in the Legion toilets is always a fun past time which I suppose in turn does make up for the dreadful hangover!
The Saturday nigth was spent in Chalmers with Paej and Kate, I swear I love those lassies! Such amazing fun with once again many photos, shots and random dancing lesbian kissies! (ha I joke) Well that night I ran into so many photos and took even more photos. Louise Bennie is a babe as is Rhian Lafferty, who looked stunning that night (thus won best dressed) I also saw some of my "older!" friends Like Stacey Sim, Jamie Green and Christopher Lambie! Loved it. It was just an all round happy night.
Another reason for my love of Halloween besides the excuse for excessive drinking, the slutty outfits and slightly inappropriate or offensive photos is the fact that you are able to get photos with Michael Jackson, Mr Blobby and a Penguin all in the one night! Talk about utter Class! :P

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School has been not too bad either setting aside the non stop chaotic rain! It does depress me, thankfully biology just makes everything better! :) I got to wear a lab coat today cos I was freezing and to be honest it was actually very cosy and I think I suited it. Yes I can infact pull of a lab coat, to bad i plan to go be a Lawyer!

Me and Stuart split up recently aswell, I was upset. I'm not gonna lie but really I've just gotta move on with my life, which I'm doing. Going out with friends and enjoying myself and in general my youth.
 Life is far too short to stay upset or live with regrets so I'm doing neither and just moving on. It's just going to be singleness and my girls for a while anyway. Well my girls and my studies if I'm going to be a Lawyer.

I best be off to do some study though.
Bye, that is until the next time I remember that this blog exists.

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P.S. Go watch Katy Perry - Firework video! It is amazing and is inspirational, I love it and her. She certainly is up there with LadyGaga :) xxxx