Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sunday 20th of November 2011

I've just ate a ready meal that went out of date yesterday. Acht well, fingers crossed it won't be too detrimental to my health. A day won't make too much difference, will it? 
Oh well we'll see. 

It's Sunday night. I've been back from work two hours. Made myself an out of date ready meal and watched a few episodes of my latest addiction; Sex and the City. It got me thinking about relationships and what I think I've finally decided is that I am more than happy with my single life. I have my friends at uni, work and home. All that comes with relationships is stress and hassle. Yeah it can be nice but why is there such emphasis laid on being in one. I love my single and free life. There is less heartache that way and to be honest after the year I've had I honestly don't think that I could handle any more. Never again, that's all I'm saying....

Anywhoooo I've had a lovely wee weekend. Jumped on the train to Glasgow on Friday in order to make it home for CP's birthday. It was a really really good night. I miss everyone so much but at the same time certain wee things made me realise how happy I am to be living through in Stirling. It just wasn't the same. Everything and everyone has changed. Or maybe it's me. Who knows? All I know is that I felt somewhat out of place. Yeah I danced and I drank but it wasn't like before. I don't think things will go back to the way it was when we were all at whitac. I'm very sad when I think about it but once again glad because well, I've escaped it all. West Lothian might be my home and a place that will always be close to my heart but I'm happy to have escaped it. I'm meant to get away from there and better myself in ways that cannot be fulfilled by what my home has to offer...... I don't even know what it is that I am saying so instead I think I'm gonna move swiftly on.
Work was good, I got a 600 number meaning alot more responsibilities. I feel clever. I also got my discount card. Very happy Christina liokes! Woo!
Think I'm going to tidy up and do some tutorial work. It will be good. My room will be tidy and next week will be goood. Okay.
Nightynight blogface <3 

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